Thursday, September 16, 2010

A History In Time

A History In Time, now thats kind of a self explanatory name of a book. this book is about time and the way time works, in order to understand the way time works you need to understand the way the universe functions. I began reading this book a few weeks ago and it really captured my attention, something that dont really happen to often. Reason being I dont read to many books I like to write them more. Another reason I picked this book because it was factual and i like to absorb knowledge the way a sponge absorbs water. I love the idea of learning and gaining more information so that i can use more in my life. This book describes the laws of gravity, laws of motion, light laws and other stuff that will boggle your mind.
The original writer to this book is the famous Steven Hawking's. Being known as the smartest man in the world and me being a high school student, this book was a major accomplishment for me not only to read but to also understand.
A History In Time is one of those books you walk away from and ask yourself "what the fuck just happened to my mind" i cant speak for others but i can say that this book was something that after every chapter  I would sit there at my cold desk and take it all in at once.
You may be saying "ha this kid is on dope" but no i was not and i dident need to be. This story gave me a natrual high and thats the gods honest truth.
In some chapters it made me conciter how life would be if we could break free of theys laws of gravity, motion, and time. In my opinion i think that if we broke free of all theys laws that our lifes would either break and fall aprt, we would destroy our existence as a species. Another way would be that GIANT step foward into the futre, just like inventing the wheel or a lightbulb or something, but my point is that we could look at they way we see things in a new prospective.
so like that book was up there with anything ive ever red and its really hard to expain. in my opinion this book and the dude who wrote it are crazyly insane, i recommend this book to anyone that wants to open there eyes about the ting they call life and the whole concept of living.