Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Dress Code

Hello, my name is Carlos and I would like to say a few words about the dress code policy. First off let me state that I see where you are coming from but let’s look at the facts, your running a school full of young adults and like any young adult being told what they can and can’t do is chaos. You know that students will find some type of way around a dress code or any rule. You say gang affiliation will decrees in your high school but all you will be doing is increasing the violence. Teenagers need some type of guidance in their life and if they can’t feel safe at school, where can they feel safe. Look around there is no involvement in the sounding communities, and when there is the involvement lacks a scene of security. How are you going to keep a student safe? Students in high school are rebellious and stubborn; taking away any type of freedom is not a smart move. You already have enough problems with your I.D issue why add on more to a battle your seem to not be fully winning? As a former student from a “Ghetto” neighborhood and a failing school (Rio Grande) I think that if you don’t get more involved in your students then you’re just going to drive this school into the ground. There is too much going on here for a uniform policy, for god sakes your school is still not done being built and you want to enforce common rules that normal schools enforce, when your school has construction workers all over the place?

Maybe, just maybe you can take control of the uniform policy you want to pass but I have doubts that it’s not going to work, this school is crooked. In the mornings you give the right for random searches but yet I got searched every single time. In order for your student body to be fair to you, you must meet them half way and also be fair with them. Just here me out, things will only get worse. You can’t build a house starting with the roof. Same thing with the uniforms you’re trying to put on your students, get them to do the little things first. If they can’t remember to wear an I.D how do you expect them to look sharp every day? Yes, I know that having a certain type of appeal for school gets you in the mindset for the work place but like I said they are students, coming to school to learn to make it in life, there is only so much a person can take. AHA is a college prep school so that should be good for now, as a student I can honestly say we stress enough about the grades and in my opinion that’s all we should stress about. We should not be worrying about what we can and can’t wear. Don’t get me wrong, it’s only common sense to not put on a shirt that is reviling but other than that a student should be comfortable with what he or she chooses to dress in.

Look you’re the reason that a uniform policy will not work. You lack the trust in students, instead of encouraging them to do well in their studies you heard them around as if they a sheep. What are the few things out of your mouth when we see you? A good morning maybe, but if anything you’re hassling us about what is wrong with us, I get you want good for us but no one is on the ball all the time, not even you. You wear Nikes with a skirt, what is that?

I hope my opinion is taken into consideration and not just tossed out the window. They are strong believes and I would like if you got back to me ASAP, a uniform policy should be put on hold as of now or not taking action at all. Look at the facts and not what you want to do, do what you think is best for you students