Thursday, June 17, 2010

Summery Essay

I can sit here and tell you the obvious and say “yes Mr. I’ve learned a lot about writing, I have learned about how to look for cretin types of speech” no I’m not going to bore you with all that same robot essay. Instead I would like to tell you what I have learned from myself. Writing is and will be a natural thing to me; this class has been a major stepping stone in the way I write. A few years ago I use to be a young, little kid, in middle school writing dark poetry. Looking back on that I’m kind of like “WTF?” and now looking at all the things I write about are way more important, I’m not writing about how sad I am that my girl broke up with me. Now I’m writing about how mad I am about how much wrong we are doing in this world.

Everyone has someone to look up to and I have a few idols, one is Felipe Andres Coronel. He is an underground hip-hop artist that speaks about most of the things I believe in. yeah the world is a fucked up place and instead of just sitting here like everyone else, I’m going to do something about it or try to anyways. We should live in a world that is full of positive people, not money craving, power hungry people.

Before this class writing was not that important to me, neither was speech or grammar. Sometimes at home I’ll be talking to my little sister and she’ll be saying something and I’ll correct her and tell her that a word is used a cretin word cause it’s plural. Without this class I don’t think I would catch little things like that.

Moral skills and autonomy where also practiced in this class, college is just around the corner for me and I need to get my ish together. This class is helping me do what I need to get done, and you letting us do our own thing is awesome practice for the college environment.

Over all I would have to say the most important thing I learned in this class is my ability to speak my mind freely. You have helped me and most of the other students in this class give our output and opinions, also believes. With that kind of freedom in a classroom it motivates me to do well in my goals later on in life. was a really cool discovery for me, due to the fact I love my voice to be heard and I love to be a part of the solutions. This class also helped me look at nothing and turn it into something, write my ideas down and enjoy it. Not trying to just get 500 words down and over with.

This closing paragraph is going to be a thank you to Mr. Leh. Without him I wouldn’t be able to get that much closer to walking the stage in 2012. So thanks Mr.