Thursday, June 17, 2010

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Summery Essay

I can sit here and tell you the obvious and say “yes Mr. I’ve learned a lot about writing, I have learned about how to look for cretin types of speech” no I’m not going to bore you with all that same robot essay. Instead I would like to tell you what I have learned from myself. Writing is and will be a natural thing to me; this class has been a major stepping stone in the way I write. A few years ago I use to be a young, little kid, in middle school writing dark poetry. Looking back on that I’m kind of like “WTF?” and now looking at all the things I write about are way more important, I’m not writing about how sad I am that my girl broke up with me. Now I’m writing about how mad I am about how much wrong we are doing in this world.

Everyone has someone to look up to and I have a few idols, one is Felipe Andres Coronel. He is an underground hip-hop artist that speaks about most of the things I believe in. yeah the world is a fucked up place and instead of just sitting here like everyone else, I’m going to do something about it or try to anyways. We should live in a world that is full of positive people, not money craving, power hungry people.

Before this class writing was not that important to me, neither was speech or grammar. Sometimes at home I’ll be talking to my little sister and she’ll be saying something and I’ll correct her and tell her that a word is used a cretin word cause it’s plural. Without this class I don’t think I would catch little things like that.

Moral skills and autonomy where also practiced in this class, college is just around the corner for me and I need to get my ish together. This class is helping me do what I need to get done, and you letting us do our own thing is awesome practice for the college environment.

Over all I would have to say the most important thing I learned in this class is my ability to speak my mind freely. You have helped me and most of the other students in this class give our output and opinions, also believes. With that kind of freedom in a classroom it motivates me to do well in my goals later on in life. was a really cool discovery for me, due to the fact I love my voice to be heard and I love to be a part of the solutions. This class also helped me look at nothing and turn it into something, write my ideas down and enjoy it. Not trying to just get 500 words down and over with.

This closing paragraph is going to be a thank you to Mr. Leh. Without him I wouldn’t be able to get that much closer to walking the stage in 2012. So thanks Mr.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Bits And Pieces

Hello, my name is Carlos Romero and I am I sixteen year old high school student from New Mexico. I’m writing you a letter containing a few quotes, ten to be exact. I’m not going to hassle you about what needs to be done in the gulf due to the fact we as a nation should already know what to do. Instead I’m going to just share my personal opinions and believe.

“Laugh as much as you breathe and love as much as you live” no matter what happens in the disaster we must learn from this mistake and not let all chaos break out. The actions we make are made for a reason and to every action lays a consequence.

“One day your eyes will flash before your eyes, make sure it is worth watching” don’t let the gift you have been given (life) go to waste, live your life to the fullest with no regrets and no worries. Don’t stress and don’t look back at what you use to have, instead look forward to what you will have. If life was longer then we would be less happy. It’s short so we need to make everyday worth living.

“The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you can’t do” prove others wrong. I do it every day and I’m proud of it. If I simply gave up because others told me I can’t then my life would be much colder than it already is. Without risks there is no way you would ever know that your life could have been different.

“Those who dwell on the beauties and mysteries of the earth are never alone or weary in life” look at what we as a species are given; now look at what we are doing to it, what gives us the right to destroy something that is not ours? What gives us the right to take care of something that is ours? Do you think the water in the ocean will last forever? Do you think the trees will stand and try to touch the sky till the end of time? Do you think you will think for eternity? We are not matter; we are just volume taking up space.

“You forget that the fruits belong to all and the ground belongs to no one” so what makes you think that millions of years of mineral deposit are yours? You get paid to rape the land but get a life sentence to rape another human, what makes the land different from a human? It breaths, it gets sick, it has a heart. Rape is rape no matter what angle you look at it.

If we go on the way we have, the fault is our greed [and] if we are not willing [to change], we will disappear from the face of the globe, to be replaced by the insect.” Like a crazy man once told me “it’s only a matter of time before the earth shakes us the hell off and says, oops! Let’s try again” that quote was by Dean Leh, a man that has a lot of potential and power.

“It was a national tragedy. It would not be appropriate to have champagne because of the nature of the event.” Why would we want to pot bottles in a global crisis like this? This has affected all of us and when I say all of us I mean us as life. The humans, insects, the plants, everything. Even after this spill is or can be contained the world will still destroy us or even worse, we will destroy each other.

Thank you for your time and I hope you take some deep thought into what I am trying to say, so without further a due have a good day and do what you believe is right.

Carlos Romero

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Dress Code

Hello, my name is Carlos and I would like to say a few words about the dress code policy. First off let me state that I see where you are coming from but let’s look at the facts, your running a school full of young adults and like any young adult being told what they can and can’t do is chaos. You know that students will find some type of way around a dress code or any rule. You say gang affiliation will decrees in your high school but all you will be doing is increasing the violence. Teenagers need some type of guidance in their life and if they can’t feel safe at school, where can they feel safe. Look around there is no involvement in the sounding communities, and when there is the involvement lacks a scene of security. How are you going to keep a student safe? Students in high school are rebellious and stubborn; taking away any type of freedom is not a smart move. You already have enough problems with your I.D issue why add on more to a battle your seem to not be fully winning? As a former student from a “Ghetto” neighborhood and a failing school (Rio Grande) I think that if you don’t get more involved in your students then you’re just going to drive this school into the ground. There is too much going on here for a uniform policy, for god sakes your school is still not done being built and you want to enforce common rules that normal schools enforce, when your school has construction workers all over the place?

Maybe, just maybe you can take control of the uniform policy you want to pass but I have doubts that it’s not going to work, this school is crooked. In the mornings you give the right for random searches but yet I got searched every single time. In order for your student body to be fair to you, you must meet them half way and also be fair with them. Just here me out, things will only get worse. You can’t build a house starting with the roof. Same thing with the uniforms you’re trying to put on your students, get them to do the little things first. If they can’t remember to wear an I.D how do you expect them to look sharp every day? Yes, I know that having a certain type of appeal for school gets you in the mindset for the work place but like I said they are students, coming to school to learn to make it in life, there is only so much a person can take. AHA is a college prep school so that should be good for now, as a student I can honestly say we stress enough about the grades and in my opinion that’s all we should stress about. We should not be worrying about what we can and can’t wear. Don’t get me wrong, it’s only common sense to not put on a shirt that is reviling but other than that a student should be comfortable with what he or she chooses to dress in.

Look you’re the reason that a uniform policy will not work. You lack the trust in students, instead of encouraging them to do well in their studies you heard them around as if they a sheep. What are the few things out of your mouth when we see you? A good morning maybe, but if anything you’re hassling us about what is wrong with us, I get you want good for us but no one is on the ball all the time, not even you. You wear Nikes with a skirt, what is that?

I hope my opinion is taken into consideration and not just tossed out the window. They are strong believes and I would like if you got back to me ASAP, a uniform policy should be put on hold as of now or not taking action at all. Look at the facts and not what you want to do, do what you think is best for you students

Friday, June 11, 2010

"One Of A Kind"

My name, my actions, my voice. My thoughts and ideas. My self determination, my prospective and views on reality. All of these things set me apart from the rest of the world. Most of society supports the machine, but not me I refuse to feed the machine. Unlike the common lazy American working nine-to-five I’m going to live to the fullest and see the world. I’m an artist so nothing I see is the way normal un-artistic civilians see shit. You may look at a brick walk and think it as nothing. I see a brick walk and I see a potential canvas for my imagination to run wild. See, even the way I’m writing this pulls me away from the crowed. I’m violent, always wanting to beat someone’s face in but being violent makes me appreciate those moments when I’m loving and kind. I’m an oldest chided, trying to help put food on the table. I’m a pissed off 16 year old adolescent that don’t have a father figure or too much of a background. Still I sit here telling you who I am, being thankful for what I got, just trying to get out of this fucked up world.

You ask me what my most verbal lesson I’ve learned is and I would have to say, to stop stressing a giving a fuck what people think. This is my life not yours so hands off, touch me and I’ll break your finger. Push me and I’m going to push you twice as hard. Also, there is no such thing as defeat and failure just giving up. If you put yourself into ANY situation you can get yourself out. I have lost way too many people in my life and been to too many funerals. So live without regrets and fuck your past its not here for a reason.

I want to be remembered for my actions, good ones though. Others may not agree with what I want to do so they might be considered as bad, the machine tends to twist reality to make itself look good. I can be anywhere. The store, my house, a skate park, anywhere. The results will be the same, everyone I look at (almost everyone) is skull fucked by the major corporations. Little kids screaming at their mothers for candy due to media exposure from the T.V they watch. Teens needing the next big thing. Making them materialistic, what happened to culture? Money, money, money that’s what our lives revolve around and I’m so sick of it. Anyone can be so quick to sell you something but never fast enough to help and give. That’s why 205,000 people die every day; I want to be idolized for my actions and the road I want to go down. I’ve heard before that if you take a risk and don’t make it then it’s your own dam fault and I believe that’s true, you have no one to blame for your mistakes or even your accomplishments.

One of the nicest things I have done for someone would have to be opening their eyes. Now when I say that I don’t mean “dude open your eyes” no, I mean wake the fuck up and stop waking up to your shit life. The average life span is 24150 days. I don’t know about you but to me that’s not very long. So saying that you’ll finish some type of hobby some other day because you’re tired that’s just an excuse. From the second you’re born your clock is counting down. Ok so my friend Berto was always scared that his mom would get mad at him for never being home and one day I talked some scene into him and told him to chill and stop worrying so much, I and he use to skate all the time and he would worry about stupid shit. Now he is a high school graduate, he has a job. He is trying to get his own place to stay and trying to save up enough money to go to UNM. I feel good because I don’t think he would have been so free without me preaching to him every time we chilled. I feel accomplished for that and I feel I can do it to a lot more people. My friend crystal was the same way and stressing all the time and I saw what I did with Berto so I attempted to do it with her. Being the person she is things didn’t go good. I told her to be free not a fuck; she went from being scared all the time to being high all the time. I get it marijuana is awesome, I support it but I don’t need it like she does. She let her life break part and that was a still is sad for me to watch. I look at the direction she took and the direction my other friend took and I wonder to myself “can I really accomplish this massive goal?” when you look at it all it comes down to is autonomy and if you can’t do that than your pulling a crystal.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Smart Went Crazy

Step one pick a topic, stick to it and lock on to it. Don’t get thrown off task cause some might ask; what the fuck are you talking about? And if it don’t make scene people will start to doubt. Not everyone can speak with a beat, but thoughts who do overcome the idea of defeat. To some that’s what they got to do to eat. Step two, be creative, be original, native to your style, make your moments of speech worthwhile and don’t bore your audience, remember your in your city and not the Canadian providence, unless that’s where you spit, don’t’ give in, don’t throw a fit. Trust me you’re going to fuck up; what did you think Marshall was perfect? Don’t worry about money because that’s just disrespect, not to people but the art form. Weather you can freestyle or write pieces in your dome, a beat is a beat and a rhyme is a rhyme, but you don’t have to rhyme all the time. If you’re dedicated to poetry like me you can talk about anything.

Step three, don’t get lazy, stay fresh and sharp, and experiment with instrumentals, even if the beat comes from a harp. Don’t let image consume you, if I wanted something to view I’ll just go to my local zoo. The game will be unfair and treat you like a gimmick, take some time to breathe and go on a picnic.

Step four, remember to shut your windows and lock your door, the forth branch wants to make you out to look like a monster. Exposing everything you do from swimming in your pool to losing your cool. Keep your cool; don’t blow your lid, for you’re the main source of this power grid. Without you the next cat doesn’t have anyone to top, and if he doesn’t have someone to top he’s just a prop. Props are just sell outs on hip-hop, like 50 cent and T.I, so fuck those guys.

Step five, learn how to stay alive and fight, you competition will try to make you look like a toy, like a lil boy with no style, don’t give them the pleasure of dissing on you, show them that your true and that you have something to prove, some will want to battle, but get them to be cattle, get them to be just a produce with no talent, prove to people that Mr. cool is nothing but a fool slacking off in school.

Step six, attempt a mix, songs are chill but mixes steal the spot light, make sure it’s just right and even if it’s not, let it rot with all your other garbage, show that your just average and that you fall on your face sometimes, hundred dollar bills will kill, but a hundred pennies will save you. Remember that fine line between fame and exposure, let only friends help with composure. Remember the thin line that separates a rhyme from a rap; remember not to take a nap because when you wake everything you have people want to take. Don’t give in or give you, this game is talent not luck.

A Day To Remeber

As a young adult I am still irresponsible and don’t think about the consequences my actions may lead to. Being 16 in a country drunk with power and money, it only makes sense that young adolescence makes so many wrong choices. Choosing to go agents my parent’s wishes and sneaking out to go and live my life, I tend to feel a little guilty but not regretful. During my hours of fun, I forget about the rest of reality and my soon to be consequences. Eventually I’ll have to head back home, but till then I’m not going to worry about that, I’m going to worry about the now. Friends around me, laughing and joking, make things well worth sneaking out. Getting a type of escape from reality into wonderland is always a really good feeling. Home could be a mission in a half to get to but fuck it.

I’m going to see my friends and chill, but if anything I’m sneaking out to see one of the most beautiful girls I’ve laid eyes on. Just to be next to her is like heaven and I would jump at any opportunity to be around her. Kissing her takes my breath away, but she is the only one that can do that to me. Lips so soft, a smile so hypnotizing, no wonder I snuck out. My heart beats faster and faster as I get closer and closer, staring into her eyes, feeling her breath as I hold her tight in my arms. Now I tell her “babe I love you, and I’ll do all I can to make you smile.” On one of the most perfect nights she and I lay next to each other away from all the rest and converse with one another for hours. Passing through the night with her seems to be right, she makes me feel alive. Quietly she whispers to me “babe...I love you too.” “You make me happy just being next to me, so don’t ever leave.” Rapid heartbeats pulse throughout my body and the smile she gives me gets even bigger, “I’ll never leave you, I promise.”

Suddenly she stares at me for a few seconds without a word being said, but I know what she is thinking and I move toward her for a kiss, acknowledging my acting she jumps at me and don’t let me go. Time stops and everyone else around us, the loud music and dozens of peer’s obnoxious voices fade away till I don’t hear a thing beside her heart beat. Undecided whether I should leave on time to get away with my adventure or should I stay with her all night. Very slowly she pulls me back, changing my position from sitting up to lying down next to her. Without a care about being caught I let her rest her head on my chest and spend the night with her. Xeric from broken air conditioner don’t even matter because I have that special girl lying next to me. “Yes” she says “yes, please stay with me till the sun comes up” “I need you here tonight.” Zipping up my mind and my worry for the morning, I put my arm around her and simply say “as you wish.”

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The World As We Know It

Ok so we look around and what do we see? A world full of hated people and anarchy, rape death and poverty. Our world is shriveling away and turning a rock full of decay. Moments full of pain, congress men going insane about the upcoming acid rain. Birds and fish infected with sludge and still the human race don’t budge. We just sit back and watch each other destroy one another, we turn to hope and faith, but we don’t try to fix or problems, instead we try to escape.
Cutting down trees, cutting down life, not with just knifes but machinery and artillery and as a result we leave behind human fatality. Burning cutting and chopping wildlife away miles per day, we should stop and ask ourselves what can we do different? What can we change?
Let’s start by getting rid of all the hate, let’s stop all the escape and face our problems head on,
And not get mad when we are wrong, let’s take some advice from our favorite songs and just all get along. The sun is a gift; the water is a gift, even the life we live. All things in our world is a gift, not from god but nature, I’m trying to save to environment and not write this on paper.
Help me save the world with words, help me save all the oily birds and punish the evil one that caused our world to crack.

the kids aren't alright

Ever feel like leaving? Getting up and just walking away from the life you have? Well I do, I feel that way right now. Fuck this shit. I’m not happy; I have it all, the power, fame, and all the money. My name is Carlos Romero, I live in albucrazy New Mexico and my life sucks. Born into a life of wealth and power is the American dream. I can get whatever I want whenever. As pleasing as that sounds it’s not really all that great. They way I see it is you can’t have up without a down, you know what I mean? I’m 16 I have a car, a big house, mom and dad, 200 dollars every day, but I hate it. I’m so unhappy with all the narcissism coming from the people around me. My dad tries to get a dollar here a dollar there, my mom don’t give a fuck about my dad, being at the store seeing a poor man in need of some guideless and all the peers can say is hurtful fucked up comments about him. Bullshit, I’m out of here. What happened to morals and culture? Now a day’s folks only care about money.

I need someone with some piece of mind and that can show me true happiness. I’m taking a bus north till I find a stop that has the right vibe to it. I leave all my prized positions back with my greedy family all I’m take is my clothes on my back and 1000 dollars for food and water.

On so I’ve been on the road now for 18 hours and I’m finally getting off, I ended this road trip in South Dakota. Getting that feeling that I am free is so amazing. To think this is only the start of my journey.

So I get off the bus and head for a resting spot. All I want right now is to stretch my legs for a few, go eat a nice meal, and sleep in a nice bed. On my way to a local diner I see what most Americans see around our nation. I see a homeless man asking for money right outside the door from the restaurant. All the individuals he asks for a little of anything blow him off or lie to his face, as if he where an animal. This man is in a brown faded rain coat, a pair of Levis, torn around the knees. His facial hair has a color of brown but should be white, and his hands are scared up. He and I make eye contact a few feet before he says it, “excuse me sir, do you happen to have some change to spare?” Back at home I could never help him out or all hell would break lose. My stomach has trembling feeling on the inside and I’m sure his does as well. Ashamed of the question he asked me he looks away waiting for an answer, or his usual denial. Not this time, I want to help out this man and I want to fallow my morals so instead of giving him money I reply “no I’m sorry, but however you may feel free to join me for a meal” in shock he asks me to repeat myself so I do and as he sits there with a blank look on his face speechless I stick out my hand and introduce myself “hey I’m Carlos” he hides his smile and says “Carlos? I’m Ron, thank you.”

For some reason I don’t feel like me but I look at my hand and they are mines, I stare down at my close and they are mines, I turn to the window next to me and look at my reflection. Once again its mines, I try to shake this strange feeling and I too hide my smile. Ron stands up and fallows me inside but it doesn’t take long for evil to trail either. I ask for a table and one of the employee’s try’s to shove Ron out the door. I jump at him and say “no no no, he is with me, chill. Just chill” and everyone round us seems to be thinking the same thing because their facial expressions are all the same. Looking at me like I’m crazy, but ignoring the evil eyes and dirty fingers pointing at me I proceed to take my seat.

Ron seems tense and I tell him to just relax. “Why are you doing this?” he asks and ask “well are you hungry or not?” he reply’s “yes, very nut your more middle class and I’m…” I interrupt him to say “you’re what? A human just like me so relax and order some munchies k?” that smile he once hid from me and the rest of reality finally came out. That feeling that I couldn’t seem to shake is a new feeling and I like it, maybe I can’t shake if for a reason. This feeling is awesome; so much is starting to be lifted off my shoulders and I’m going to keep it off. I’m going to sit here and finish my meal with Ron and stop caring so much.

"Leave This Place"

Out in the savanna in the middle of the summer is like swimming in fire, the heat is so intense and the water supplies are limited. Your mouth is so dry that it feels like it’s full of sand. The humidity replaces the air in your lungs. Without a doubt you are extremely uncomfortable in your own skin and all you want to do is cool down. I felt this way for the first month I was in Africa and I wanted to get out as soon as I could. My name is sgt. Pablo Escobar, you may know me as a drug dealer but I have changed my ways. Although the U.S government doesn’t see that and asking for forgiveness would be nothing more than a suicide mission. I took my only way out of that life and fled Columbia and ended up in Somalia. Not a smart move on my part, see I didn’t know that the U.S Army and Somalia government where at war with each other, so instead of taking a breath cause I got away I have to stay on my toes. Habr Gidr Clan was trying to over throw the government; you may know it better by the name of the battle, Battle of Mogadishu? Well yeah that is what’s going on in my so called sanctuary.

Ok so I get there and the life I tried to get away from fallowed me. I started my way west trying to stay in the shadows. It was 3 days I was there and I met a man by the name of Donovan "Bull" Briley, he was a pilot of Super Six-One and he abandoned his post due to his fear of death. With his intelligence I took advantage of fleeing with him. We got in the outskirts of Ethiopia in the town of Dolo Odo. But once we arrived things seemed to be not right. There was a group of about 80 if I remember correctly and they were screaming to the havens. I and Donovan look at each other with a concerned look and then out of nowhere a man walks up on us with a machete gripped tightly in his hand and says “why have you come to this place” Donovan replied saying “we are only passing through” once again the man says “why have you come to this place?!” but in a more aggressive tone. By now Donovan lowers his body and raises his armalite AR-18 and asks to pass. The man with the machete starts to approach us and in a panic others from the group of natives spot us.

I examine the individuals more as they get closer and I look at their faces, something is wrong, they are bleeding from their eyes and mouth. Donavon yells “they got it!” standing there ready to run thinking to myself “got what”? Then in a second things go black and hazy, I hear Donavan screaming and shots firing from his weapon.

I regain my sight but only to find myself on the floor. With all my energy I jump up to assist my friend but the moments I stand up my eyes are coated with a red sticky substance. Realizing I was struck in the head with something and that I’m useless to help, I’m dragged away by the man with the machete. Very frantic he stairs me in the eye and say, “now you must leave this place”. My arm starts to lose feeling from the tight grip he’s dragging me. In frenzy I get leverage and rush him to the floor, and then he bites me on the cheek. His eyes and mouth start dripping with blood, his body begins to shake. I take that 1st step into my escape and head back to the village. Now Donovan is standing there asking me “Pablo, why have you come here?”

Feeling weak and scared I ask what he means, what does that mean? And he says “this is our holy land, leave this place” I walk up to him and try to make sense of things but he pulls his weapon up and fires. Im hit with the wave of 762x9mm full metal jackets. Gasping for air I drop to the floor.

Suddenly things are not so hot the temperature drops, my mouth is not so dry, and the humidity is nowhere to be found just fresh cool air.Time to go home, time to leave this place.

Monday, June 7, 2010


Ok so there are a lot of things I’d love to do before my life is over. I put a list together and I think its good but over time my morals might change and so my list might change as well. So before I go into detail with my list I want to state for the record that things on here may not be accepted by most people in modern society. My list simply consists of living it to the fullest. So chill out and just hear me out.

Art is my life and passion, being able to create a world with endless possibilities is fascinating to me. I see everything in a different prospective, tree begin to talk to me, they start to dance, the clouds wrap around my body, the ground starts to breath and I can hear the earth’s heart beat. When I’m sitting at my desk in my room or on a hill in a grass field I enter my sanctuary. Reality means nothing, just like a heroin addict needing a needle to escape, I too need my escape but not with a syringe, I need a writing utensil to calm my craving.

Next on my list is my name and I doing mean Carlos I MEAN Carlos. Years from now I want people to be talking or whatever about individuals that helped change our way of life. Ok for example let’s say 2 dudes where talking and one said “hey do you think the world would be different without Dr. Martin Luther King?” and his friend says “maybe, but what about Carlos Romero?” see, I want to be that guy that people look at and say “WOW” I want to pick up our broken world and fix it, I want to take off all the bandages holding it together and start surgery. The world is a fucked up broken place and there is something to fix. If we all played a part we can turn pain into love, I’m sick of looking around and seeing chaos, what happened to this race?
As a teenager I’m very active, I skate, run, workout, lift weights, you know anything to have a healthy heart beat. I’m not going to be one of the lazy stereotype Americans that other nations clown on. Plus being unhealthy leads to being unhappy, I love life its awesome, so fuck stressing.
My craving for a chance to see the world is jesus peoving his dad is god, yeah its that epic.

Music, music is a major stepping stone in my life. Music is like a form of love, it helps every and anyone. You can be happy and put on some Bob Marley and feel alright, or in other occasions you can be pissed and throw on some death metal and want to stomp on some infants, but with music it shelters your actions, you see? So that brings me to the next part in my list. I’d love to do a show with Mitch Lucker (lead singer from suicide silence) Mitch is one of the many people I look up to. I’ve seen him in concert four times and each time he has motivated me to live in the moment. Playing a show with him would be more intense then Obama chilling with Osama. My peers would ask if I’ve seen suicide silence live and I would have the power to say that I played a show with him.

Skating is awesome, free, and rebellious. Those three words also describe me, so I and a skateboard complement each other. Being able to accomplish an almost unrealistic goal with dozens of consequences and risks on the line is incredible. Looking at a rail or a set of stairs in different angles is insane just like all the dedicated skaters out there.

Ok so I don’t have too much to say about this one but I’d really like to try a Doreen. It’s a fruit that is supposed to taste like candy (really sweet) but it smells like sewage and rotting carcasses. So yeah, that’s about it.

Do you ever get your adrenalin pumping so fast everything around you starts to speed up? Well that feeling came across me only one in my whole life, don’t get me wrong my adrenaline has pulsed throughout my body before but not like that one time. I want to bet my heart to beat a million beats per second and I want to experience the feeling of flying. So leys put them together and what do we get? One of the coolest dudes skydiving, but I want to go that extra mile so I say lets add more thrill to the adventure, let’s take away a parachute and free fall.

I want a good life I want a chill one, one with nice things, a life with wealth, but not one with greed. There is a fine line between wealth and greed. Come on look at BP killing our world with greed. I want a nice car I can look at and say “I was able to get this for myself” and a nice house. I want to buy one off a lake 3 stories maybe but my home will be a home nothing more. All my life I have moved from place to place and to this day still I have not found somewhere I can call home. I don’t need a lot but like any human in this modern society I want some.

Now, to sum things up, I want a happy life, a life I can change things in. I’m going to go down in history, and I want everyday to be better than the last one. People are so afraid of dying that they forget how to live. Like I was once told, “a life without risk is a life not worth living.” So live your life.

My Bucket List

-become a really good artist

-make a difference in the world

-create a new way of government

-stay healthy

-visit brazil

-travel the world

- hang out with Mitch lucker and criss haslam

-skydive with no parachute

-eat a Doreen

-get good at drums and guitar

-slap cortny love

-Eat some churches chicken with Obama

- engage a deep political conversation with immortal technique

-buy a house off a lake

-own a Shelby GT 500

-blaze it with Michael Phelps

-open a skate/ sandwich shop

-Try to buy the Mona Lisa

-prove my dad wrong and finish school

-prove my mom wrong and not be like my dad

-Fight G.S.P

-smoke 20 grape Philly blunts and gain political power to fight the war on drugs

-move to Arizona

-play guitar with roger waters and John Lennon

-create the 60s all over again

- Freestyle with slug from atmosphere

Play a show with max cavalera

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Story Thing

My hands are trembling, voice is shaking. I have a blade in my hand pressing it to the man on top of me. Holding on to his face, telling myself “its him or you”. In a heartbeat I shift my weight to my left, freeing my body and I press that cold piece of steal into his cheek. Feeling no remorse for this man I repeat this process over and over. With blood on my hands and around the room I quickly get to my feet and head for sanctuary.

Let me introduce myself, my name is Ivan. I am a Russian doctor. The human anatomy has always pleased me and to this day I still find it fascinating. Since September 1994 I was stripped of my license due to a miscalculation with an unauthorized drug. The pain people put me in by taking away my passion burns deep in my stomach. One day a decided to go down to saint heart,( the hospital I once worked at)I walked in the front door, right up to the receptionist and asked how many security was there on duty? The lady helping me, lily said “two why, oh but they are both on break”. I starred at the young lady for a moment and simply smiled, I reached into my jacket and pulled out a SIG 556 and point it at her and pull the trigger. The white wall behind her turns to an abstract of blood, in seconds hundreds of people rush to the door I stand at. So now I reach in my pocket again but to pull out smoke grenade and toss it to the sea of body’s. Women cry out to me “PLEASE!” men try to disarm me but fail, they drop to the floor with holes in their body.

My adrenalin is pumping so I tell myself “fuck it” and jump at the supply closet and grab a respirator. By now the gas is filling the lobby and I can here crying coming from my feet. I look for a patient that needs some medical attention and a man is stumbling down the stairs clinching his hip. I run over and point my weapon at him and force him to a room, kicking and screaming like a bitch telling me that he has kids, a family, I simply press the muzzle in his spine and tell him that he is not ready to check out until I say so. Ok, so now I have an adult male laying on a bed strapped with barbed wire screaming to the top of his lungs, “GOD HELLLP MEE!” so tell him to shut the fuck up! And stab his stomach with a piece of broken glass. Now he can feel the pain I feel

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Warning this blog is cool

Carlos Romero?
who is that you might say, well ill tell you. Carlos is a very very different individual that sees life in so many aspects. For example, Carlos is not narcissistic he will try his best to help you out, he dont believe in our system of goverment or the concept of money. Carlos simply believes in life he believes very spiritly but not in any god. He  is artisit, art is his voice his freedom and his wepon. If you dont know Carlos its only because he dont want you to know who he is, Mr. Romero is unknown well you are exposed and being exposed lets him study you and take your place. Carlos' voice is also in his poetry he will dominate you with his words and all his ideas. if you try to bring him down i guarantee you will not over throw him for his power and his determination is stronger then a wall of bricks. wepons, money, fame, theys are not in his intrests. wepons illistrate power that someone dont have, Carlos has power so therfore he dont need wepons. money, you dont own it money owns you. why would someone so out there believe money is happiness? money kills you slowly so why want it? last but not least what is fame? i see it as...i mean Carlos see's it as a big fuck you to the rest of the world. ok, we get it you have what most people cant get but that just makes you a gimic and a product. Carlos wants to do so much with his life and he wants to do everything he can to make others happy.

What are a few things that most people like? Well for one there is music, who doesn’t like music? Two, there is art. Not everyone likes art but most people do. Last but not least books, with all the things at Carlos’ hands he can be a major influence to so many other rebels’ individuals.

What makes him so different would have to be the way Carlos looks at things, he also know how to use his brain unlike the blind fucks in power.


I am a gnarly herbal guy,
I wonder if my teacher is herbal,
I here little people in my head,

I see knomes running at my feet,
I am a herbal guy.

I pretend i am a dragon,
I feel people poking at me,
I touch my brain,
I worry about this poem,
I cry when a poem sucks,
I am a gnarly herbal guy.


this format is gay,
a bad way to start your day,

i hate this poem