Friday, June 11, 2010

"One Of A Kind"

My name, my actions, my voice. My thoughts and ideas. My self determination, my prospective and views on reality. All of these things set me apart from the rest of the world. Most of society supports the machine, but not me I refuse to feed the machine. Unlike the common lazy American working nine-to-five I’m going to live to the fullest and see the world. I’m an artist so nothing I see is the way normal un-artistic civilians see shit. You may look at a brick walk and think it as nothing. I see a brick walk and I see a potential canvas for my imagination to run wild. See, even the way I’m writing this pulls me away from the crowed. I’m violent, always wanting to beat someone’s face in but being violent makes me appreciate those moments when I’m loving and kind. I’m an oldest chided, trying to help put food on the table. I’m a pissed off 16 year old adolescent that don’t have a father figure or too much of a background. Still I sit here telling you who I am, being thankful for what I got, just trying to get out of this fucked up world.

You ask me what my most verbal lesson I’ve learned is and I would have to say, to stop stressing a giving a fuck what people think. This is my life not yours so hands off, touch me and I’ll break your finger. Push me and I’m going to push you twice as hard. Also, there is no such thing as defeat and failure just giving up. If you put yourself into ANY situation you can get yourself out. I have lost way too many people in my life and been to too many funerals. So live without regrets and fuck your past its not here for a reason.

I want to be remembered for my actions, good ones though. Others may not agree with what I want to do so they might be considered as bad, the machine tends to twist reality to make itself look good. I can be anywhere. The store, my house, a skate park, anywhere. The results will be the same, everyone I look at (almost everyone) is skull fucked by the major corporations. Little kids screaming at their mothers for candy due to media exposure from the T.V they watch. Teens needing the next big thing. Making them materialistic, what happened to culture? Money, money, money that’s what our lives revolve around and I’m so sick of it. Anyone can be so quick to sell you something but never fast enough to help and give. That’s why 205,000 people die every day; I want to be idolized for my actions and the road I want to go down. I’ve heard before that if you take a risk and don’t make it then it’s your own dam fault and I believe that’s true, you have no one to blame for your mistakes or even your accomplishments.

One of the nicest things I have done for someone would have to be opening their eyes. Now when I say that I don’t mean “dude open your eyes” no, I mean wake the fuck up and stop waking up to your shit life. The average life span is 24150 days. I don’t know about you but to me that’s not very long. So saying that you’ll finish some type of hobby some other day because you’re tired that’s just an excuse. From the second you’re born your clock is counting down. Ok so my friend Berto was always scared that his mom would get mad at him for never being home and one day I talked some scene into him and told him to chill and stop worrying so much, I and he use to skate all the time and he would worry about stupid shit. Now he is a high school graduate, he has a job. He is trying to get his own place to stay and trying to save up enough money to go to UNM. I feel good because I don’t think he would have been so free without me preaching to him every time we chilled. I feel accomplished for that and I feel I can do it to a lot more people. My friend crystal was the same way and stressing all the time and I saw what I did with Berto so I attempted to do it with her. Being the person she is things didn’t go good. I told her to be free not a fuck; she went from being scared all the time to being high all the time. I get it marijuana is awesome, I support it but I don’t need it like she does. She let her life break part and that was a still is sad for me to watch. I look at the direction she took and the direction my other friend took and I wonder to myself “can I really accomplish this massive goal?” when you look at it all it comes down to is autonomy and if you can’t do that than your pulling a crystal.