Religion is somethiing everyone is suronded by, weather you acsept it in your life or not its everywhere you turn. We as humans need something to look up to and to give us gidensce in our lifes, its just natrul to us. religion is extreamly important due to the fact that most of our nation is run by it. if you do not acsept god in your life your an out cast to the majority of society right off the bat. We have it set in our mind, we have been told, even brain washed that god is a must. I as a teenager do not have god in my life and i get look down to all the time. I have even lost some really close people to me when they found out im an athiest, so now i can cofterbly say im agnostic.
Religion ties everything together. The biggest part in religion in my eyes is the phofit, not the phophet. thats all it is, just like when you go to a grosserie store to buy food, you go to curch to buy a leader. Now im not saying religion is total BS. It does bring happiness and comfert, i know this because i see it all around me. The majority of people are lost and scared and dont know what to do with there life, that sucks to have that feeling. We all have been there and we all have our own types of escape, some turn to art like me, some turn to drugs like my dad, and others turn to religion. Its so important and crutial that we have a higher power in our society that if we dident then we would be no where in life.
Religion is important because we all do not have the inner strenght to over come something. Not everyone can be strong, so the weak ones need soewhere to go and figure out a way to get past a certin situation in life. Okay look, even for the death of someone close to us what do we do? we turn to religion and let go of them. We believe that there life is still in motion. We pray for them and keep them close to our heart with rosserys. We all need something to turn to in life thats not normaly on our everyday agenda.
Religion is NOT important because we will simply lose our minds. Have you ever heard that saying "to much of anything is bad for you?" well yeah that applys with EVEYTHING!So dont dedicate your life to a higher power *cough cough hard core cristins* I once met a dude by the name of Sunny, i met him through my girlfiend and he was part of a church group. So i agreeed to go see what was up with the church due to the fact i wanted to see my girl. So we wnt out for a while and got to know eachother, it was Allie, this dude Jessy, Marcy, and me. we all wnt out to eat and ice skating, and within that time i got to know this man. We disscused his point of view as well as mine on religion, we where both understandable and respected one anothers believes. From the second i met this man and shook his hand he was so happy, he was always smiling, always laughing. Now you may be thinking "ok, i see nothing wrong with this man and religion is not bad" well sorry to bust you bubble but he took to high of a dose of God and weeks later he up and left his wife. He left her and met someone else, he soon started to abuse illigal substances and became very low (in societys eyes) This happened simply because he was doing to much and let go of himself.
My point of telling you this is because religion can destroy not just create.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Posted by ThisGnarlyDude at 11:03 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 17, 2010
I Dream A World Essay
Posted by ThisGnarlyDude at 11:10 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 16, 2010
A History In Time
Posted by ThisGnarlyDude at 11:20 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
My Wisdom Statement
The world is pure hate,
No one lends A helping hand,
Our love disappeared.
Violence is evil,
Chaos rips our earth apart,
We are now hopeless.
Time to change your mind,
And help another life,
Life is in your hands.
Posted by ThisGnarlyDude at 12:24 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 10, 2010
they's books are so special to me because once you flip them open you'll get lost in another world. Art is my escape from reality, art is my reality, its an expretion of self. I can turn A simple thought in my head into another world. You know that commercial with the Butterfingers and it say "don't lay a finger on my Butterfinger" well that same concept applies with my artwork, unless you want to be able to only count up to nine.
We all need inspiration from something to create something Well my inspiration comes from music, mostly a genre called Dub-step. this music is hard to listen to and focus at the same time. The most you can do while jamming to some step is get lost, let go, lose focus. Art needs to be sloppy and not organized if so it wouldn't be worth a thousand words.
I discovered art at an early age but i dident fall in love with it until four years ago. My dad was a controlling manipulative person, he would force art on me and make me sit there a create all something and it had to be good quality. He wanted a son he could show off instead of love. After all the years of him doing that i just became accustom to drawing, as time went on art grew deeper in my life. You may see me sitting in class "slacking off" drawing in my book, but to honest im thinking harder then you may assume. I need to process thoughts on impulse, figure out how to balance contrast, shading, tints, and yeah it gets pretty stressful. During your class im so tempted to pull out my black-book but i chose not to, simply for the fact you are a very interesting person to listen to when you lecture.
So there you have it, my black-books are my everything, just like a book is your everything.
(f.y.i) if you want to see my work i'll be more then happy to show you.
Posted by ThisGnarlyDude at 11:03 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Summery Essay
Posted by ThisGnarlyDude at 9:39 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Bits And Pieces
Posted by ThisGnarlyDude at 9:16 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Dress Code
Posted by ThisGnarlyDude at 6:59 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 11, 2010
"One Of A Kind"
Posted by ThisGnarlyDude at 8:43 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Smart Went Crazy
Posted by ThisGnarlyDude at 10:33 AM 0 comments
A Day To Remeber

Posted by ThisGnarlyDude at 9:22 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
The World As We Know It
Posted by ThisGnarlyDude at 10:39 AM 0 comments
the kids aren't alright
Posted by ThisGnarlyDude at 10:04 AM 0 comments
"Leave This Place"
Posted by ThisGnarlyDude at 7:42 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 7, 2010
Posted by ThisGnarlyDude at 10:47 AM 0 comments
My Bucket List
-visit brazil
- hang out with Mitch lucker and criss haslam
-skydive with no parachute
-eat a Doreen
-blaze it with Michael Phelps
-open a skate/ sandwich shop
-Try to buy the Mona Lisa
-prove my mom wrong and not be like my dad
-Fight G.S.P
-smoke 20 grape Philly blunts and gain political power to fight the war on drugs
Posted by ThisGnarlyDude at 9:44 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Story Thing
My hands are trembling, voice is shaking. I have a blade in my hand pressing it to the man on top of me. Holding on to his face, telling myself “its him or you”. In a heartbeat I shift my weight to my left, freeing my body and I press that cold piece of steal into his cheek. Feeling no remorse for this man I repeat this process over and over. With blood on my hands and around the room I quickly get to my feet and head for sanctuary.
Let me introduce myself, my name is Ivan. I am a Russian doctor. The human anatomy has always pleased me and to this day I still find it fascinating. Since September 1994 I was stripped of my license due to a miscalculation with an unauthorized drug. The pain people put me in by taking away my passion burns deep in my stomach. One day a decided to go down to saint heart,( the hospital I once worked at)I walked in the front door, right up to the receptionist and asked how many security was there on duty? The lady helping me, lily said “two why, oh but they are both on break”. I starred at the young lady for a moment and simply smiled, I reached into my jacket and pulled out a SIG 556 and point it at her and pull the trigger. The white wall behind her turns to an abstract of blood, in seconds hundreds of people rush to the door I stand at. So now I reach in my pocket again but to pull out smoke grenade and toss it to the sea of body’s. Women cry out to me “PLEASE!” men try to disarm me but fail, they drop to the floor with holes in their body.
My adrenalin is pumping so I tell myself “fuck it” and jump at the supply closet and grab a respirator. By now the gas is filling the lobby and I can here crying coming from my feet. I look for a patient that needs some medical attention and a man is stumbling down the stairs clinching his hip. I run over and point my weapon at him and force him to a room, kicking and screaming like a bitch telling me that he has kids, a family, I simply press the muzzle in his spine and tell him that he is not ready to check out until I say so. Ok, so now I have an adult male laying on a bed strapped with barbed wire screaming to the top of his lungs, “GOD HELLLP MEE!” so tell him to shut the fuck up! And stab his stomach with a piece of broken glass. Now he can feel the pain I feel
Posted by ThisGnarlyDude at 10:47 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Warning this blog is cool
Posted by ThisGnarlyDude at 10:53 AM 0 comments
I am a gnarly herbal guy,
I wonder if my teacher is herbal,
I here little people in my head,
Posted by ThisGnarlyDude at 9:56 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 27, 2010
damed the humans
Ok I gave my life and my sons life for this race, and every other thing on that planet and how do they repay me? what do they give back for the very life’s i promised them? they pollute my earth and all my kindness, all my love they destroy each other and other species to dominate the world i made for them to share. my children my creations have destroyed the source of life, as i look down upon all the blank faces, i see them trying to denies the mistakes they made and the faith they set for themselves, they all do will start to panic. Mexico was once my most favorite places to look down upon; it was filled with culture, creativity, and most of all faith. Now I hurt to look at that paradise for it had been grasped by the devils hand, with no letting go anytime soon. I gave chance after chance to this pity race and all they do is ask for my forgiveness and spit in my face. Not this, no more holding my hand out and trying to save them, the human race is barbaric and violent, they flood my sea with vast amounts of oil and point the finger but its them they should point the finger at themselves. Dammed the humans, dammed that race, its time to set an example.
Posted by ThisGnarlyDude at 2:04 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
soooooooooo like im setting up a blog n stuff and its chiil i guess, k im out
Posted by ThisGnarlyDude at 2:25 PM 0 comments